Çiğdem Ateş Saygılı

E-mail: cigdem [dot] ates [at] boun [dot] edu [dot] tr

Office: Natuk Birkan Building 207

Ph.D. in Economics
Boğaziçi University
Istanbul, TURKEY

Boğaziçi University
Munzur University
YÖK Akademik
Google Scholar
Semantic Scholar
Assistant Editor - BU Journal

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Ph.D. Economics, Boğaziçi University
     Advisor: Ozan Hatipoğlu
M.A. Economics, University of Missouri - Kansas City
     Advisor: Mathew Forstater
B.A. Economics, Ege University
B.A. Business Administration, Ege University

Short Bio

Çiğdem Ateş Saygılı recently earned her Ph.D. degree in Economics from the Department of Economics at the Boğaziçi University. She completed her dissertation, entitled Three Essays on the Dynamics of Global Financial Contagion: A Macroeconomic Analysis of Intangible Capital, under the supervision of Dr. Ozan Hatipoğlu. Her work delves into the intricate mechanics of global financial systems through the lens of intangible capital. During her doctoral studies, Çiğdem specialized in Macroeconomics and Applied Macroeconomic Theory.

Çiğdem has double majors in Economics and Business Administration from Ege University in Izmir, Turkey. Later, she received a graduate studies scholarship from the Turkish Ministry of Education, which allowed her to continue her studies in Economics in the USA. Çiğdem received her MA from the Department of Economics at the University of Missouri – Kansas City. She completed a Master’s Thesis titled A Heterodox Analysis of International Exchange and Employment Policies under the supervision of Dr. Mathew Forstater.

Çiğdem is a graduate research and teaching assistant at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. She is also a research fellow at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity. Her research interests extend beyond Macroeconomics, including Heterodox Economics and Econometrics.